
Considering the sheer number of action camera flooding the market, it becomes quite an overwhelming experience for anyone to choose the perfect one. And that's why we have compiled a list of features that you need to look and consider before buying the perfect action camera for yourself.

Take a look.


As the name suggests, action camera is for capturing action or events that other normal cameras can't and that's why they have to be compact and weigh light to ensure maximum portability. And as these cameras have to face rough terrains and unknown circumstances, they need to have a durable built that can withstand different environments.


Image and video quality plays an obvious important role when you are choosing an action camera for yourself. These days most sports cameras promise 4K and high-image resolution, however, the right resolution depends on your usage. Apart from that any sports camera worth its salt needs to have different shoot and recording modes like Slow Mo, Time Lapse, Raw Mode, Auto Mode among many others.


The whole point of is to capture places or events from different viewpoints and that's where it's accessories play an important role. With different mounts that can be fixed in different locations and on objects, you can capture a variety of Point of Views (PoV) and make your footage or pictures more unique and interactive.

Any good sports camera needs to have these basic mounts like tripod mount, helmet mount, base mount, bicycle mount, hand mount, waterproof housing along with mount supporters and adhesives to ensure that you can capture maximum angles and from different viewpoints.

Battery life

What if the reason you bought your sports camera does not serve its actual purpose and runs out of juice at the crucial point? You'll be disappointed, right! That's why it is crucial to have sports camera that has a long lasting battery that can work extensively.

It is important to note that different shoot modes consume battery in different degrees. So, it is always a good idea to do a thorough research on the battery capacity and its usage time before choosing any sports cameras. Most cameras give about 2 hours of battery life, but if you are shooting footage for a longer duration so it makes sense to get yourself a few extra pieces of batteries along with a portable charger.


An ideal camera is the one that frames, shoots, and uploads the content easily in one go from the device to the computer or the phone. So, it is imperative for a camera to have a good connectivity that allows you to work easily with the Wi-Fi.

No matter for what purpose you need the camera, the above mentioned pointers are the basic criteria's that will help you in purchasing a good action camera. And, if you want to buy an action camera online, then your best bet is Gonoise.com where you can find a different camera for different pockets and with much more features.


Source by Shiv K Gupta