
So you decided to buy a digital video phone? You definitely won't be disappointed. You want to start enjoying your digital phone service and start talking to your loved as if you were talking to them face-to face? Then start by then start by reviewing the contents of the box, begin installing your device and follow the guidelines in this brief quick start guide.

What is inside the box of a digital video phone?

Once you are done unpacking the box of your brand new telephonic device, make sure at least the following items are included:

– Main Unit

– Handset

– Power Adapter

– Ethernet Cable

– Telephone Cable

You might already have some components, such as:

– Capable/DSL Modem or Router

– Broadband Internet Access (256 Kbps or higher)

How to install a digital video phone with router?

If there is a router connected between your computer and modem, follow these instructions to install your digital video telephone:

1. The handset will have to be connected to the connection point at the side of the device.

2. One end of the Ethernet cable will have to be connected to the WAN port.

3. The Power Adapter should be connected to the Power port and should be plugged into an electrical outlet. Note: Avoid using power adapters from other devices.

How to install a digital video phone without router?

If a modem is directly connecting your computer to your broadband Internet connection, then follow these instructions to install your digital video telephone:

1. The handset will have to be connected to the connection point at the side of the device.

2. The Ethernet cable that connects your computer to the Cable/DSL modem should be unplugged from the computer. Do not unplug the other end of the cable from your modem. The Ethernet cable that was unplugged from the computer should be connected to the device's WAN port of the device.

3. One end of the new Ethernet cable that came along with the device should be connected to the device's LAN port. The other end of this Ethernet cable should be connected to your computer's Ethernet port.

Turn on your digital video phone: Whether you install your video phone with or without a router, now turn the Power Switch of your device to ON. A status light will become visible on the screen as the phone goes through setup. Once the register light on the front of the device will turn green, it will mean that the setup is complete and you can use your video telephone.

Keep in mind that the quality of your connection will be affected if you simultaneously use your computer and video phone. So it would be much better if you switch to a higher speed Internet connection now that you have video telephone.

If you live so far away from your loved ones that you don't get to see them quite often, then this kind of a telephonic device will definitely come in handy. You will be able to see and talk to anyone who also has a video phone at the same time. If you are curious about how to install your brand new digital video phone, then just follow the instructions mentioned in this brief quick installation guide.


Source by Wade Byrd