
It may seem a little silly to describe a pair of headphones as soundproof; after all, is not the whole point of the system to make sound? However, soundproof headphones are a worthwhile purchase. Soundproof headphones simply block out all ambient noise, making a peaceful den of silence about your ears, leaving nothing but the smooth sound of the headphones themselves. A good pair of soundproof headphones should be able to block everything from the humming of computer fans, to the rough play of nearby children. A good pair of soundproof headphones should be comfortable, able to be worn for hours. A good pair of soundproof headphones should leave you with no distractions, nothing to separate you from complete aural immersion.

There are two separate philosophies for making a good pair of soundproof headphones. Some sound systems use active noise cancellation to make background noises less prominent. These systems usually require an extra set of batteries to work, but the result is well worth the cost. Active noise cancellation works by analyzing the noise outside the headphones, and generating an equally loud sound of the exact opposite wavelength. This anti-sound is then played along with the rest of your music, where it will interact with the background noise, canceling it out. Cheaper active-cancellation headphones may not properly calculate the proper counter-wavelength to cancel out everything you do not want to hear, producing an audible hiss behind your music that is not desirable. Active cancellation headphones also cost more, both to buy, and to maintain with the cost of batteries to deal with. However, with some smart shopping, high-quality, reasonably priced active sound cancellation headphones are easy enough to find.

The second major method of sound damping comes in the form of passive noise cancellation. Unlike active noise cancellation, passive cancellation gets rid of background noise via noise absorption and deflection. Because all the noise cancellation is caused just by the headphones' body, no extra batteries or settings are needed to make them work. Passive noise cancellation also tends to be cheaper to produce, and thus to buy. However, most of these headphones will use tight-fitting ear covers, that may squeeze uncomfortably and become hot and sweaty, causing discomfort if worn over long periods. Passive headphones also tend to be bulky, and heavy, causing neck discomfort. Finally, passive headphones are not sleek, stylish, or discreet. While they are sure to give a satisfying level of performance, carrying them around and using the headphones in public might be difficult.


Source by Carla Wise