
With the sales figures for June released, many car manufacturers are now assessing their performance against yearly targets. While the general market shows some growth, Japanese car giant Mazda are looking very pleased with their sales performance. With the all new Mazda 3 for sale, boosting sales figures, the company has managed great sales for both the month of June and year to date.

Mazda have implemented a carefully considered strategy to ensure that they retain their market share. The company have recently launched all new models of the Mazda 2 and Mazda 3 for sale, which has been complemented by a heavy campaign of advertising. This focused approach on the new innovations and design touches added to the range, have ensured that consumers are aware of the attractive package offered by this reasonably priced brand.

According to the figures released by the Chamber of Automotive Industries, the automotive market has shown some bounce back from the recent declines experienced. This has left the market sales figures on a par with the year to date figures of last year. Increased sales in South Australia and New South Wales has compensated for declining sales in Western Australia and Queensland. This has mean that the overall totals were just five hundred units short of the industry peak last June.

With light commercials and SUV models proving popular with consumers, accounting for over fifty percent of vehicle sales, it is even more impressive that models such as the current Mazda 3 for sale are still showing demand. In fact the Mazda 3 has retained the title of the nation's favorite car. The Toyota Corolla managed great sales in June for the small car segment, but even the boost in sales, failed to allow the Corolla to close the gap with the Mazda 3.

Many experts believe that the sales performance of the Toyota is likely to be an indication of a stronger performance for the second half of the year. However, it would be unwise to count the Mazda range out. The brand has received a great deal of press and awards since the All new range of vehicles began to be unveiled. Mazda has spent a great deal of time implementing new innovations including the new ACTIVIST system to ensure that consumers in the non premium price category can expect quality even with a more modest budget.

Mazda continues to lead the way in the red hot segment of SUV sales with the CX5 retaining a fantastic market share. The CX5 clearly dominates the sales figures in this segment with Hyundai, Jeep and Toyota fighting for the second place slot.

While the second half of the year will need to retain momentum to beat the 2013 figures, many experts are anticipating further sales growth in the market. This means that it is likely that Mazda will enjoy a fantastic 2014.


Source by Avipriya Dasgupta