
You have heard of writer's block no doubt. As many public speakers know, we often suffer from a similar problem. Often whether you know your topic not, you will find yourself sitting in front of your computer or pen and paper staring blankly, not sure what you are going to say. It can be quite frustrating!

Public speakers desire to deliver unique content in their presentations. Often this involves delivering a talk on a familiar topic in a fresh and interesting way. What do you do when you face “speaker's block?” Perhaps you could chime in on the comment section below. For now, let us offer you some suggestions

Stop Thinking About Your Subject and Start Thinking About Your Audience.

This may sound odd, but if you are not careful you can very easily focus more on the content than on the ones to whom you will deliver that content. Step away from your notes and think about how this topic could help your audience. For example, if you are speaking on family relationships, instead of trying to come up with unique content first, think about the relationships of those who will listen to you. put yourself in their place. How have they struggled lately. How would their lives be better if they could grasp and apply your message?

Step Away From Your Notes and Practice Delivering Your Speech Extemporaneously.

The imagination is a wonderful thing. When set free it will thrive. Like a wild animal, it will stifle in captivity. Put down your notes and go out and deliver your message to an imaginary audience. You may be surprised at how the creative juices start flowing. Chances are you will soon be back at your notes writing furiously what you came up with in this exercise.

Think About Your Message.

The message is not the delivery. The message is the grain of truth… the one central idea that you came to deliver. Unfortunately, you cannot simply stand and deliver that truth in one sentence and then sit down. (Although sometimes that would be preferable!) Instead you must include stories, humor and a lot of other words in an effort to convey a message that would probably only take a couple of sentences. spend time thinking about that message, idea, or truth. Think about how important it is. Think about what it means to you. Sometimes this is enough to get things going again.

Go Do Something Else For A Little While.

This may not be possible if you have put off your preparation until the last minute, or if you were not given much notice. However, in most cases you can afford to take a break. Go for a walk. Bake something. Take a nap. Do anything other than think about your talk. Sometimes this is just the break you need.

Delivering unique content on a consistent basis is tough. It takes work, time and experience. The best public speakers struggle with staying fresh. What is your experience?


Source by Mark W Foster