
There is a lot to be learned from burglary statistics, especially when you are setting up your home security plan. The big one – that burglaries make up about 1/4 of property crimes – speaks for itself, but there are ways to go far deeper inside the facts and figures. Once you have a beat on how burglaries happen and what is being stolen, you will have a better idea on how to defend against them. Here are five key burglary statistics and how to use them when setting up your home security plan.

1. More than 3/5 of burglaries involve forced entry. If burglars are forcing their way through locks and windows all the time, the need for a home alarm system is clear. Once the sensors are tripped in your alarm system, the clock starts ticking for a burglar. They will either have to get out quickly or face the authorities in minutes. If you don't have an alarm, they can just keep going about their business calmly and efficiently.

2. Most burglaries happen in the day. You think of the image of the clever ‘cat burglar' operating by night, gliding across rooftops without a sound, but actually most thieves are working during the day. The reason is that most people go to work in the day, so it's the ideal time to find a house unoccupied. To make sure you are not letting your security plan slip, make a sweep of your home alarm system and double-check that the windows and doors are locked around the house.

3. More often than not, burglars spend less than 10 minutes inside a home. It's obvious why a burglar doesn't want to stick around a house too long; the idea is to make that time even shorter. Once your alarm starts ringing, they will want to take whatever is available and get out. Don't keep valuables that are easily carried off out in the open. Using a safe to store cash and other expensive items is the way to go.

4. Cash, jewelry and guns are among the most stolen objects. Because the thief does not have a lot of time to look around when a home alarm is going off, these items usually end up being stolen more often than not. As in the statistic above, all signs point to a safe or the use of a safe deposit box. Also, keep laptops with user codes protecting important files. Computers are creeping up on the list of the most stolen items.

5. The entry point used most often is the front door. Front doors are obvious places for anyone to walk through when they arrive at a house; for burglars, it is no different. Make sure you have a good deadbolt system set up on your front door, plus protection on the hinge side for a burglar experienced with removing doors. Obviously, this process would take more time, but it something which could be pulled off at night.


Source by Michelle Artofsky