
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition of the brain which is marked by an unusual preoccupation of oneself, leading to difficulty in communication, inability to interact socially, and the inability to imagine. Adults with autism, for obvious reasons, face challenges in performing any kind of work that calls for attention or paying undivided attention for an extended period of time.

But in some cases, people with autism spectrum disorder, may adjust to the work environment. This happens only if the person has Asperger's syndrome of high-functioning autism. However, statistically speaking, most adults with autism are not able to work full-time or land gainful employment to live independently. Despite significant attempts by several companies to create an environment where adults with autism spectrum disorder will be able to work, only about 5% of such people have been able to land proper employment globally.

The cause behind autism spectrum disorder is unknown. Early detection is the key for autism treatment, when it can be treated both therapeutically and medically. A child with autism has a much better chance to live independently when he/she grows up, than an adult.

The US Social Security Administration (SSA), fortunately, recognizes autism spectrum disorder as a full disability among both adults and children. To get social security benefits as an adult, the person must prove to be incapable of performing any work that's available to a neuro-typical individual having the same level of education and capabilities.

Autism and physical work

Autism spectrum doesn't directly affect the ability to carry out physical tasks. However, it does affect the ability to concentrate and receive instructions to execute those tasks. People with a milder form of autism spectrum disorder may overcome challenges to employment in offices where supervisors are trained to deal with autistic employees. But elsewhere, adults with autism are usually unable to carry out any proper gainful activity.

To be considered as fully disabled by the SSA, a person must have significant and obvious social function impairment, face difficulty to concentrate and communicate and in cognitive functions.

Receiving social security benefits as an autistic child doesn't mean that he/she will continue to get the benefits as an adult. The social security disability (SSD) diary is opened when the autistic child turns 18. It's advisable to be represented by a SSD lawyer, if the young adult wants to continue getting the social security benefits. There are appeals and proceedings and reconsideration is much more than just a cakewalk.

Autism and the ability to perform sedentary work

In several cases, it's often simpler to prove that adults with autism spectrum disorder are unable to perform any sedentary work. This is because such work typically involves a great degree of concentration and interaction with other people. An autistic adult, by definition, usually has great difficulty to perform such type of work.

Adult with autism spectrum disorder may always require legal assistance to apply for SSD benefits, particularly when their first claim is denied and an appeal becomes necessary. Try to hire an SSD lawyer who is experienced to win SSD claims for autistic adults.


Source by Kevin Carter