
When I decided to get into internet marketing, my efforts were first concentrated on trying to select what I hoped would be a hot niche market and then creating the website and web pages.

By “niche market”, I am referring to a market where there is an interest from a small but sizable group of individuals (niche market) for a product or service and no one is fulfilling their needs. My goal was to serve them and make a profit at the same time. This turned out to be a major task on its own taking quite a bit of time and effort.

There are so many expert sites on the internet that promise you the world, but do not really deliver their promise. Their main goal is to simply get your money, give you a few tidbits of information, and then leave you on your own. Whatever information they give you is not complete. They tell you what tools you can use, but not how to use them effectively. They only give you half of what you really need, so that it is impossible to find a suitable niche market where you could actually create a successful business. I downloaded their free PDFs, which they claimed they could sell for $97 and would tell me everything I wanted to know. This was the farthest thing from the truth.

The main focus of this article is to discuss the security you need on your website for protection of your digital files.

Once I finally got a handle on my proposed niche market, I then proceeded to create a website. At first it seemed like a big task, but once I got into it, it was actually straight forward. I had to learn about HTML and mySQL databases, but this was not as difficult as it first appeared. You will be amazed on what you can find on the internet by simply searching for “HTML tutorials” or “mySQL tutorials” or any variation of the word search. Before long, I had setup my website.

Soon it became evident that just having a good website was not enough to attract visitors. After learning a bit about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I finally was able to get on page 1 or 2 of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Altavista, AOL, AllTheweb and MSN(Bing).

At first I was quite excited as now it was easy for people to find my website. This was short-lived. Although many legitimate visitors came to my site, so did many hackers. I soon found my product being downloaded illegally and not being paid for. Some forums actually had a direct link (hotlink) to my download page. All people had to do was copy this link onto their website. They could then use this to again illegally download my product.

I had signed up with PayPal and so I figured my website was safe. The only thing that would be safe would be any money that I got. Unfortunately, my revenue was small because my product was being downloaded for no cost. It was evident that I needed security against revenue loss, as well as, for revenue collected. You cannot make any profits if people can download your product without paying for it. I soon also found that even people who paid and downloaded my product, also would download it more that once, again taking from my profits.

It soon became evident that I had to have some type of protection that would give my website some security. Being a novice to internet marketing, my budget was from slim to none. I had to find ways to protect my website without costing me, as they say, an arm and a leg.

Again, I searched the internet for help on website protection and security. There are plenty of people on the internet trying to sell you high price security along with monthly fees, but none tell you about the security features that are readily available to you on the internet involving minimum or no costs to you. It seemed like an endless task.

Fortunately, after some heavy digging, I was able to find some very good websites that would help in giving you ideas on how to protect your website. The information was not always complete as they also had to make money, so they would give enough information to wet your appetite, which was not too bad. By building on this information, I was able to come up with some free ways to provide some decent security for my website.

I was soon able to monitor my website for:

– IP address of all people trying to hack into my website so they can be tracked down.

– Security alert when people are illegally downloading my products robbing me of potential income.

– Security actions to be immediately taken when I suspected my website had been hacked.

– The Date and Time of illegal access to my website so that I could filter out all hacking attempts made to my website.

I had finally come up with the best economical security for my website.

On a final note, no website can be made 100 percent secure. No matter what people tell you, or, no matter how much money you spend, you can never make your website completely secure. The news is full of stories where hackers have broken into banks, insurance companies and many large companies. You can be pretty sure that these companies spend a small fortune on security measures, yet someone is still able to penetrate their barriers.

To learn more about how to add website protection and security, please visit:


Remember, even the smallest amount of website security is many times better than a website without security that is open to the world.


Source by Joseph Schembri