
Penis enlargement workouts tend to have different effects on a man's manhood and the pelvic area's surrounding tissue. You may be surprised to know that some penis enlargement workouts affect more than the penis, as well. Kegel exercises, for example, can strengthen and condition the PC muscles at the same time.

Generally speaking, these PC muscles make up the pelvic cavity floor, which supports a lot of pelvic organs. They can be found behind the scrotum and are in charge of the contractions that you feel whenever you ejaculate and urinate. To find out where these muscles are, just stop the flow of your urine before you actually finish urinating. You should feel a bit of a contraction while doing this.

Doing penis enlargement workouts that exercise these PC muscles can benefit sexual function in various ways. For starters, developing these muscles can give you stronger erections by improving the circulation of blood in your manhood. If you tend to lose the firmness of your erections after having sex for a while, then these exercises can help them regain both firmness and strength whenever you are in bed with someone.

After doing these penis enlargement workouts, you will also notice more gains in both penile girth and length. Just think about it this way: whenever you flex your erection and see the tip of your penis expand a little bit or turn darker, this can be attributed to the PC muscles letting more blood circulate in your penis.

So, if you follow various penis enlargement workouts on a regular basis and improve on the flexibility and strength of your manhood in the process, you can improve your erection quality, reduce impairment from impotency, and make sure your penis is always full and upright when you want it to be.

Another benefit that you can enjoy from exercising your PC muscles would be ejaculation control. Basically, whenever you have to ejaculate, these muscles will contract and withdraw semen from your urethra. By controlling these muscles, you should have no trouble responding to your body whenever it starts to ejaculate and orgasm, either. Additionally, once your PC muscles are stronger, they will contract and become more assertive during orgasms, thus making the experience much more pleasurable for you as a whole.

As you can see, the PC muscles play a huge part in the improvement of sexual function, so make sure you don't overlook PC muscle exercises when looking into natural penis enlargement.

As mentioned earlier, though, the most vital one of these exercises would be the kegel exercise, which can strengthen your PC muscles the most. While there are a lot of different ways to do this exercise, the most basic one would be enough to reap all of the benefits mentioned earlier in this article.

There is also the penis squeeze exercise that you can look into, which involves bending the penis and relying on slight contractions to send more blood into your manhood. This particular exercise is incredibly specific, though, and would require a lot of expertise in order to be done properly and safely. Overall, however, this exercise can expand penile girth and help bring about wider, fuller and thicker erections.

In fact, after just a few weeks of doing this exercise properly, you will already be able to see a difference in the size of your penis. Ideally, you should combine different types of penis enlargement workouts, so that your manhood won't get used to a single one. Combining these exercises will also help you add more inches to your penile girth. However, try to remember that advanced exercises could be harmful if you don't know what you're doing. Always stay safe!


Source by Johnson Li