
Have you ever asked yourself that? Well, maybe it's just my bad habit of asking myself “nonsense” questions like this one here, now and then, but I've always wondered what is that “mechanism” behind each one of the great helicopter games that I've played online that kept me glued to my desk chair for hours on end, making it impossible for me to get out of trance before I managed to complete all the missions in the game. Sure, it must definitely be that once in a lifetime chance to actually pilot a helicopter but, I'm pretty sure there's more to it than this obvious aspect.

Could it also be the fact that game developers are competing against each other (luckily for us, the players, the beneficiaries of their “struggles) for generating that feeling of being in a war zone (in 90% of the online helicopter games the action takes place during warfare)? The war scenes and the missions that we get at the beginning of each game, really give us the addictive illusion that we're some sort of soldiers, soon to become war heroes, fighting against our country's ruthless enemies. Could you refuse to accept the challenge of flying an awesome Chopper or an Apache GT8, equipped with different types of weaponry, and proving yourself worthy of being proclaimed your nation's grand hero? Also, besides outstanding piloting skills, you'll need to get yourself “armed” with great shooting skills and strategy skills, as well! Your adventure, there, up in the sky, as you become one with your helicopter, will be spiced up with all types of dares such as dodging missiles launched from the ground, firing against your enemies strategically positioned on the ground, not to mention the major dare of taking great levels of caution when you're releasing your bombs or firing your machine gun that our helicopter's equipped with, lest you should accidentally hit buildings where civilians live. If you think that playing helicopter games is merely just about the piloting, the ability of controlling your aircraft, then you couldn't have been more wrong: the great majority of these games dare you with some highly challenging missions to be completed, while way up high, in the sky!

Another reason why we grow instantly addicted to this kind of online games is the given chance to walk into the shoes of some brave, risk-taking rescuers! The rescue mission is another widespread theme among helicopter games! Your task is to carefully pick up victims of different disasters (war, shipwrecks or natural calamities victims) and carry them to a safer place while, in some games, you're being attacked, in the air or from the ground, by various enemies. Conscious of the fact that you're these helpless people's only hope, of the importance of your mission, you simply won't be able to walk away from your PC until you haven't successfully carried out your rescuing assignment.

Now, when it comes to the helicopter games' addictiveness, how could we have possibly forget about those where you're not playing the role of a war pilot nor of a fearless rescuer, about those games where your mission is merely to… keep your helicopter in the perfect condition as you fly it through a… tunnel. As apparently simple and nonetheless addictive as that! Keeping your vehicle away from the tunnel's walls, finding the perfectly safe height and maintaining your helicopter at this height, while doing your best to advance, and pilot it out of the tunnel, will turn out to be… a surprisingly addictive mission to complete!

These are some of the reasons for my addiction to online helicopter games that I could dig up. Which are your “excuses” for playing them for hours of end?


Source by Adriana Jefferson