
The Internet has brought a number of developments to the modern day social and technological landscape that has truly changed the way we do things for good. A large number of the innovations and advancements that we now enjoy and take for granted on a daily basis had their earliest incarnations on the Internet.

Email, instant messaging, file transfers, file sharing, downloads… all these and more are things that would not have been possible at all if it were not for the presence of the Internet in our lives. For better or for worse, the Internet has left its indelible mark upon almost every aspect of our existence and from the looks of things, its influence can only become more prevalent as time goes on.

Reaching out across the globe

As far as the areas of communication and information exchange are concerned, the Internet has obviously always been a particularly conducive platform for such activities.

Even as far back as the early days of BBS's and the World Wide Web, the Internet has proven to be a tremendously valuable aid in facilitating communications between people from across vast distances, and also in the transfer and sharing of information and other resources. In fact, the Internet back then was primarily the domain of the scientific and educational communities, both of whom had seen the potentially beneficial advantages of the medium early on.

Of course things change as they so often do, and time marches on in step with the technological developments that are churned out a seemingly almost break-neck pace. The Internet is not immune to such changes, and the Web as we know it now is not the same as it was back in the old days.

Today, a veritable frenzy of activity takes place all over the Internet and more information and data is being exchanged online than ever before. It is now more important than ever to have a secure and efficient means of information transfer in place, to support the ever-growing demand of business and industry.

The PDF format

One of the more popular formats for file transfer in this current day and age is the PDF file format, which was developed by Adobe as a means to be able to reduce file sizes significantly, so that they may be transferred more efficiently. Rapidly gaining new adherents everyday, the PDF format has become the de facto standard in document and file exchange across the globe.

One of the most recent and most efficient ways to create PDF files to have emerged in recent years is the pdfFactory Pro 3. Amazingly trouble free and easy to use, pdfFactory Pro 3 allows users to not only convert their existing documents into PDF format, but it also allows them to prevent the copying of the document contents by unauthorized 3rd parties. This has traditionally been one of the more urgent concerns regarding PDF files.

Security is of course of primary importance in business and industry, and aside from preventing unauthorized copying, pdfFactory Pro 3 also prevents the printing and editing of the files that it creates, and it even allows you to set a password so that even merely opening the file is restricted.

Offering all the features that you have come to expect from a PDF creation tools and then some, there is no PDF related task that the pdfFactory Pro 3 cannot help you accomplish.


Source by Markus Wirth