
One of the goals of those who are in a network marketing home based business opportunity is to generate free mlm traffic. I'm sure this is one of your goals as well. Did you know that there is a way you can get free advertising using the web's top search engine Google? If you are in desperate need to know the secret, finally revealed are the steps you need to take to get free advertising on Google's first page 24-7!

1. Set goals. You must figure out where you want to be in two to five years from now. You must think about ways people find an find you. You don't want to be a slamming and hammering sales person since over 90% of the population dislikes that approach. You don't want to chase after people , but have THEM chasing after you. How will you do this? If you don't have a plan in place, you are not focused. So, the first step is to set some goals.

2. Name recognition. People need to know who you are. This does not happen immediately, but over time. Unfortunately, most people will quit before they ever reach this point, but for those who are committed, the will amply be rewarded for their efforts. Therefore, you must plan right.

3. Systems. As you think about your strategy, you must have a system. You must be able to see who is on your list in a glance; have a contact manager, and be able to keep records. I personally use a system for 19.95 a month that enables me to build my list by giving away a free resource, has email features, comes with an autoresponder, has 8 splash pages, includes training on how to market as well as places to market, and much more.

4. Don't believe the hype the heavy hitters or guru's promote. We all have seen headlines about how people make thousands of dollars almost overnight. Many of them almost sound like these people got rich quick.

With any network marketing internet home based-business opportunity especially, it takes time to build a frontline with strong leaders; leaders who will retail and bring in other leaders for their teams. This does NOT happen overnight. It takes work. If you see promotions from others where they seemed to have skipped this step, there are three possible reasons:

a. The person sold audio tapes, some sort of report or system, where they claimed they did something.

b. They previously had a large downline and just transferred it into a new company.

c. The person has good name recognition. So, a MLM company asked them to promote their company, and gave them a huge downline. The heavy hitter than began to advertise for them.

Now that you have a foundation on what you need to do first, here is the secret to getting listed on page one of the web's top search engine, Google. The “secret”-articles. Writing articles is the best way to get listed on the #1 page in Google. Article marketing really must be part of your plan. Writing articles brands you, gives you name recognition, and repeat traffic if you are able to connect with your readers. In addition, years from now links can keep coming back to your site.

So, how do you go about doing this?

*Figure out what is popular in your niche. For example, what are people looking for and talking about related to network marketing? What are the most viewed articles in places such as EzineArticles.com? Just browsing through related categories and the most viewed and popular articles can give you a good idea. What you see will let you know what to write about. You can also use material from any ebooks and other resource that you have. You also can hire people through places such as Elance.com if the thought of writing an article sounds overwhelming.

*After you figure out what people want, do a keyword research related to your topic. This will help you discover how to get free mlm traffic. Focus on long tail keyword phrases which are 3 words or more. Phrases such as internet marketing, mlm, networking marketing will never get you on the first page of Google since there is way to much competition or those keywords. A phrase such as free mlm resources” likely will get you better results.

*Use a keyword tool to help you and to save time. Wordtracker is excellent as well as Google's free tool, Good Keywords, etc.

*Once you figure out your keyword, put it in quotes and then go to Google to see how many searches there are for it. As mentioned before, huge results such as 40,000-50,000 will get you nowhere. Go for results 5,000 or under.

*Once you have found the long tail keyword phrase you want to use, use the exact phrase in the title, and first and last paragraph of your article.

*Submit your article to EzineArticles.com . Of course, there are other directories you can as well such as article marketer.com which is a free distribution service. Once you have submitted your article, in a week do a Google search to see where you landed. If you don't like the page you are on, you can go back and make changes to get better results.

* In your resource book, add a link to your blog or unique splash page where you are branded. It is best if it is unique and different especially if you are in MLM where everybody uses a generic splash page.

No matter what network marketing home based business opportunity you are involved with, article writing is a great way to bring in free mlm traffic and and prospects over a long period of time. If you are not using this marketing strategy now, take action and get going today as the payoff can be huge!


Source by Monique Hawkins