
How to make profit through online business? The only way is by increasing the subscribers and boosting their confidence to purchase your product. There are various methods to attract the customers and show interest on your business. The best three options are article writing, e-books and social websites.

1] Article Writing – You can write articles on your business, product or services and post them in the top article submission directories. Write as much articles you can, but in different forms and ways. The article should be related to your business. You cannot directly promote your product through article writing, as the directories do not allow any one to add their brand name in the articles. But, you can use the resource box to promote your product. You can write few lines of your product on resource box as well as give a direct link to your website. If the article is interesting, subscribers will click the link button which will drive them to your site. Thus, you can drag subscribers to your site using article writing. Remember, the article you post should be professionally written. So, if you are not good in writing, you can hire professionals or freelancers.

2] E-book writing – Like article writing, you can also make an e-book on the products you promote. This book should not be too lengthy, as it may take more time to download. You can create e-books with 10 to 15 pages and send them to other directories. You can also send it to your subscribers as a free offer. At the end of the every page of your e-book you can give link to your website. So, when visitors click the link, automatically they will be diverted to your website. You can also use your business card back to promote your website. Add your domain name at the back of the card and circulate it manually whoever you meet. People who visit your website will also get the opportunity to go through your e-book.

3] Social networking sites – Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter allows you to post contents, banners and messages. Through this advertisement, your products will be clearly disclosed to the audience. Here also you will be given a resource box through which you can give back link to your website. Do not give spam link or posts, as social networking sites ban the spammers. This may affect the progress of your business.


Source by Mike Gate